Potential liquidity.

The Cadre Secondary Market matches buyers and sellers of private real estate. This revolutionary exchange offers attractive opportunities to value investors, while sellers get unprecedented access to potential liquidity. New properties are available every quarter.

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secondary market hero

What the Cadre Secondary
Market brings to you.

flexibility chart

Reduce your investment horizon.

Maintain long-term flexibility by opportunistically purchasing or selling shares in high-quality, private real estate mid-cycle on our platform.

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control chart

Control your cash flow.

Purchase shares of income-producing private real estate, often at an attractive price relative to net asset value (NAV). Or sell shares efficiently to help optimize your returns.

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secondary market transparency

View the big picture.

See what we see. Cadre supplies institutional-quality due diligence and full historical performance to both buyers and sellers of commercial real estate on the Cadre platform.

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secondar market hero

De-risk your decision-making.

Feel confident about purchasing or selling shares in multifamily, industrial, office and other real estate property types through a marketplace where Cadre matches and settles transactions.

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Interested in the benefits of real estate broadly and how Cadre is differentiated?
Learn more here.

How the Cadre Secondary Market works.

Buy and sell in the Cadre Secondary Market on a quarterly basis.

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Sellers seek to liquidate shares of commercial real estate investments through the Cadre platform in order to reallocate capital as needed.
No other platform offers this groundbreaking pool of potential liquidity.


Buyers select specific commercial real estate investments with established business plans through the Cadre Secondary Market. We provide comprehensive data on each asset. Motivated sellers are often willing to sell at a discounted price.
No other platform provides this type of streamlined access to fund and deal-by-deal private real estate secondaries.

Join our cadre of investors.

Detailed information about the Cadre Secondary Market is available to members of the Cadre investment platform.

1. Sign up

Take just two minutes to answer a few questions about your goals and create an account with Cadre.

2. Invest

The Cadre Secondary Market is available for a limited time every quarter. Buyers and sellers of commercial real estate are both served by Cadre’s advanced matching process.

3. Earn

Track the ongoing performance of your investment through accessible, detailed reports on our platform.

Get Started
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Are you a registered investment advisor or institution? Learn how Cadre can partner with you.

Looking for ground-floor investment opportunities?  Invest in a diversified portfolio through Cadre Funds or select individual assets within Deal-by-Deal.

Secondary Market FAQs.

Who is eligible to sell their interests?

The sell orders can be placed by any eligible investors in partnerships that have been approved by the general partner for secondary transfers. This feature is not available yet for partnerships that were established for U.S. tax-exempt or non-U.S. investors (so-called “parallel partnerships”).

When can I sell my interest?

We expect to first permit sell orders in a partnership six months from the date of an asset’s acquisition. Once this threshold is met, sellers in eligible partnerships will generally have the opportunity to place their interests for sale during quarterly windows established by Cadre. We expect these windows will take place for approximately 2 weeks in the middle of each quarter.

How much of my interest can I sell?

Sellers can place 100% of their interests for sale in any eligible partnership. Sellers also have the option to place a portion of their interest for sale. Partial sales require a $50,000 minimum and can then be increased in increments of $5,000. The remaining investment after a partial sale must be at least $10,000. Please contact to learn more.

At what price can I sell?

Sellers will have the ability to offer their positions at a specified discount to their “Marked Value,” which is a value determined by Cadre quarterly. See the definition of “Marked Values” below for more detail. As we continue to refine the Cadre Secondary Market, we expect to update (and could restrict) the range of prices that positions can be offered at.

Can I select an alternate price to offer my interest at?

In order to facilitate an efficient experience on the Cadre Secondary Market, we do not currently accept orders at prices that vary from the specified discount to the Marked Value.

View All FAQs

Important Disclosures

Private Securities

Private Securities are high-risk and illiquid investments. No securities commission or regulatory authority has recommended or approved any investment or the accuracy or completeness of any of the information or materials provided by or through us. Please refer to the investment opportunity and memorandum for additional information, disclosures, and a more detailed explanation of expenses and risks. Interests are being offered only to persons who qualify as accredited investors under the Securities Act, and a Qualified Purchaser as defined in Section 2 (a) (51) (A) under the Company Act. Any securities offering is private and you may be required to verify your status as an "Accredited Investor" to participate.

Not Advice

This communication is not to be construed as investment, tax, or legal advice in relation to the relevant subject matter; investors must seek their own legal or other professional advice before making any investment to determine whether an investment is suitable for them.

Performance Not Guaranteed

Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Any historical returns, expected returns, or probability projections are not guaranteed and may not reflect actual future performance.

Risk of Loss

All investments involve a high degree of risk and may result in partial or total loss of your investment.

Liquidity Not Guaranteed

Investments offered by Cadre are illiquid and there is never any guarantee that you will be able to exit your investments on the Secondary Market or at what price an exit (if any) will be achieved.

Not a Public Exchange

The Cadre Secondary Market is NOT a stock exchange or public securities exchange, there is no guarantee of liquidity and no guarantee that the Cadre Secondary Market will continue to operate or remain available to investors.

More complete disclosures and the terms and conditions relating to an investment in a particular private placement is contained in the investment memorandum.

1The Fund has substantial flexibility when implementing its investment strategy. Targeted investments, portfolio composition and investment strategy may change over time and there can be no assurance that investment objectives will be achieved. Detailed information regarding the Fund’s investment strategy as well as a complete list of the risks and other important disclosures involved in investing in the Fund are contained in the offering documents of the Fund, which must be reviewed carefully before making an investment decision.
2Represents target figures as of the Fund's launch. Certain data and information discussed below are sourced from third party sources. Please review the investment memorandum for specific sourcing information.
3Represents target figures as of the Fund's launch. Certain data and information discussed below are sourced from third party sources. Please review the investment memorandum for specific sourcing information.
4The Fund’s term is 8 years from the date of the final closing date of the Fund (subject to extension options as set forth in the limited partnership agreement of the Fund).